Connect your account with various HRIS and analytics tools, assessment platforms, candidate communication platforms, and integrated job boards. You can also generate your TalentLyft token that is used for custom API integrations.
Currently available integrations in TalentLyft by type
Job boards
Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
Assessment Providers
How to to set and manage your integrations in TalentLyft
Click on your Avatar in the top right corner of your TalentLyft account and choose Integrations
Now you will be able to search the integration by name or filter by type
Request a new integration
TalentLyft unfortunately still doesn't offer any integration for apps used for a background check, video interview, employee onboarding, sourcing and employee referral. However, you will always be able to make a request for a new integration. See screenshot below.
Once you click on the Request new one, a new tab in a Google form will be opened and you will be asked to choose what integration you would like to use with TalentLyft and to provide your email address.
Get TalentLyft Access Token for API implementation
Once you click on the Settings in the screenshot above, the token will be shown and you can copy it for your intended use.