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Slack Integration

Integrate TalentLyft with Slack to get notifications in your dedicated Slack channel

Updated over 3 months ago

Integrate TalentLyft with Slack

  1. Click on the Profile icon and select the Integrations option.

2. In the Integrations section, click on Slack Settings.

3. Add to Slack button will appear when Slack window opens, click on it.

4. You will be redirected to a page for integrating TalentLyft with your Slack Workspace. Please follow these steps to set up your integration for Slack with TalentLyft.

  • Choose the Slack Workspace you want to integrate TalentLyft with;

  • Choose the Slack Channel you want to receive TalentLyft notifications to;

  • Click the Authorize button.

5. You will be returned to the Integrations page in TalentLyft and receive a notification in the selected Slack Channel.

To receive notifications to additional Slack Channels or Workspaces, just repeat these steps with different Slack Channel or Workspace.

NOTE: Check TalentLyft Privacy Policy for more information regarding privacy.

Manage Slack notifications

To manage your Slack notifications, do the following:

1. Click on the Profile icon and select the Integrations option.
2. In the Integrations section, click on Slack Settings.
3. After the Slack window opens, click on the dropdown arrow to open the list of available topics.

4. Tick the checkboxes next to the topics for which you want to receive notifications in Slack. You will receive a notification that your action has been saved automatically.

Remove integration for Slack

1. Click on the Profile icon and select the Integrations option
2. In the Integrations section, click on Slack.
3. When the Slack window opens, click on the Trash bin icon to remove it.

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