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Application Form Questions

Edit your application form by adding custom questions and by requesting selected personal and professional information from your candidates

Updated over a week ago

The Application form is where you choose what information and questions will be on the job’s application form. Some of the Application form questions are always mandatory fields, but most of them can be set as mandatory, optional, or off.

  • Mandatory fields are fields that must be filled before the form can be submitted.

  • Optional fields are “voluntary” fields that are not required to fill before submitting the form.

  • Off option is used for questions that you want to remove from your application form.

The questions are divided into two main sections: Personal information and Professional data.

Personal information

  • Name – The applicant's name is always a mandatory field, and it includes a candidate's first and last name.

  • Email – Email is also a mandatory question on the application form. That is because an email address is unique for each candidate, and we use it as a primary key for merging applications and candidates.

  • Photo – If you want to allow your applicants to upload their picture, set this to Optional.

  • Social profiles – By making this field optional, you will give your applicants an option to enter their social network profile URL's.

  • Phone – Add this field if you want to ask your applicants for their contact numbers.

  • Headline – This is the applicant's title at their current job.

  • Address – The Address entered here by the applicant will be mapped as a Google Location, and it can be used as a filter when filtering candidates.

Professional data

Information entered here is searchable in TalentLyft.

  • Resume/CV – Ask candidates to upload their resumes. Preview of the uploaded resume is available in TalentLyft.

  • Cover letter – A field where candidates can write their Cover letter. If you want to ask your candidates to upload a Cover letter as a document, set this to Off and add a File-type Screening question named Cover letter.

  • Education – Ask candidates to enter their qualifications and education.

  • Experience – Ask candidates to list their employment history.

  • Projects – If a candidate has been a part of or managed a project in the past, they can write it here.

  • Languages – Ask candidates to list foreign languages and their level of proficiency for each one.

Screening questions

In this section, you can include custom questions that will be a part of your application form. You can also make your questions required or optional to answer by ticking the checkbox next to the question text.

To add a new question, just click on the Add icon, as displayed in the image below.

The list of available question types is listed below:

  • Open text question (single line) – A type of question that requires a short, one-line text as an answer.

  • Open text question (multi-line) – A type of question for which a longer, multi-line text is expected as an answer.

  • Multiple choice question – The answers are presented in a checklist, and multiple answers are allowed

  • Single choice question (radio) – The answers are presented in a radio-button list, and only one answer is allowed.

  • Single choice question (drop-down) – The answers are presented in a drop-down list, and only one answer is allowed.

  • Yes/no question – Questions can be answered with a simple YES or NO.

  • File – You can ask candidates to upload a file. If multiple files need to be uploaded, you can either add multiple File type questions or instruct applicants to upload a ZIP file.

  • URL – A type of question that requires a URL as an answer. It can be used for candidates to link their portfolios or web pages.

  • Address – Candidates write an address as an answer to this type of question. It is an open text field, but if you enter an address mapped as a Google location, it will show on a map.

  • Date – Candidates pick a certain date as an answer to this type of question. An interactive calendar will open for candidates to pick a date.

Questions that have predefined possible answers can be made to have some of the answers disqualifying. This includes Multiple choice questions, Single choice questions (both types), and Yes/no questions. If a candidate chooses the answer you ticked as Disqualify, they will automatically be disqualified from the hiring process.

To save your application form, click the Save form button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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