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Adding Custom Screening Questions

Add custom questions to your Application form

Updated over a week ago

Gathering valuable job-related information about your candidates from their applications is one of the most important things to keep in mind when editing your application form.
When editing your application form, you have an option to add Screening questions. By adding screening questions, you can customize your application form to request important information from your candidates regarding the position they are applying for.

To add custom questions to your application form, click on the More options icon for the selected job and click on Edit in the main Track window.

The Job details step of creating/editing a job will open. Click on the Application form tab to edit your application form.

Scroll down to the Screening questions section to add screening questions for this job by clicking on the Add button.

These are the types of questions available:

  • Open text question (single line) - An open text answer is required here. The candidate’s answer will not transition to a new row, regardless of how long it is.

  • Open text question (multi-line) – An open text answer is required here. The candidate’s answer can transition to a new row if it is a long one.

  • Multiple choice question – Candidates can pick multiple answers to a question.

  • Single choice question (radio) – Candidates can pick only one answer. The answers are presented in bullets.

  • Single choice question (dropdown) – Candidates can pick only one answer. The answers are presented in a dropdown list.

  • Yes/no question – Questions that are answered with "YES" or "NO."

  • File – Upload a file required for the application. If multiple files are required to be uploaded, you can either add multiple File type questions or instruct applicants to upload a ZIP file.

  • URL – A type of question that requires a URL as an answer. It can be used for a candidate to link their portfolio that is stored online, or, if you are looking for a web designer, candidates can link web pages as an example of their work.

  • Address – Candidates write an address as an answer to this type of question. It is an open text field, but if you enter an address mapped as a Google location, it will show on a map.

  • Date – Candidates pick a certain date as an answer to this type of question. An interactive calendar will open for candidates to pick a date.

You can make your screening questions required or optional to answer by ticking the checkbox next to the question text.
Questions that have multiple answers can be made to have some of the answers disqualifying. If the candidate chooses the answer ticked as Disqualify, they will automatically be disqualified from the hiring process.

NOTE: Single choice, Multiple choice, and YES/NO questions have the option to make answers disqualifying.

In multiple-choice questions, you can add more answers by clicking the Add option button and deleting an answer by clicking the trash bin icon.

To save your changes, click the Save form button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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