If you are interested in knowing how many people have visited your careers site and how many people out of those who visited the site have also applied, became qualified candidates and eventually got hired as well, our Visitor Conversion Reports are a perfect solution for you!
Visitor conversion reports consist of the Visitor conversion graph in the form of a hiring funnel and a tabular view of the data, if you are interested in being able to use and maneuver the numbers.
Export the graph with ease and use it in your reports, if you want.
By clicking on the hiring funnel it will be divided into a few smaller ones that track the exact source domains from which the visitors are coming. The division will also be shown in the tabular view, presented below the graph.
On the report you can find the following information:
Sources/ CareersPage - states which careers page your visitors are from
Unique Visitors - states the number of visitors
Candidates - states the number of candidates out of unique visitors
Qualified - states the number of qualified applicants out of candidates
Hired - states the number of hired applicants out of qualified ones
NOTE: Please note that you can set the time frame you wish to view your data for, like in every other report we offer in our Analytics module.