My Job Board Contracts

Adjust paid job board pricing to perfectly align with your existing contracts

Updated over a week ago

With the My Job Board Contracts feature, you can adjust your paid job board pricing to perfectly align with your existing contracts and agreements with the paid job boards you already use.

Upload your existing job board contracts and validate them to change the premium job board pricing in TalentLyft to match your agreed terms.

NOTE: This is available only if the premium job board is available in TalentLyft and you have an existing contract with them.

Uploading a Custom contract

To upload your contract, please go to Profile - App settings - My job board contracts.

Click on the Add button to open the Add new job board contract window, where you can enter the Contract name for the job board you want to upload.

After you find a contract for the job board you want to upload, you will need to enter the information about your custom contract with that job board. You will find detailed information and instructions for each different job board contract.

NOTE: Different job board contracts will have different fields that you will need to fill out to upload your custom contract.

After you have added your contract, it will appear on the My job board contracts list.

Publishing jobs using your custom contracts

After you have uploaded your custom job board contract or contracts, you can promote and publish your TalentLyft jobs on that integrated premium job board, but with adjusted pricing to match your contract.

If you want to promote your job using the My Job Board Contracts feature, please open the Get candidates window for the job you want to promote and click on the My job board contracts section.

The list of premium job boards for which you have custom contracts added will load.

From there, you can select which one you want to publish your jobs on.

NOTE: There is a $5 distribution fee per campaign creation and posting to the selected job boards.

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