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Jobma integration

Learn how to use integration with Jobma and save time by virtually screening candidates.

Updated over a year ago

We've joined forces with Jobma to make your recruitment journey even more streamlined and efficient. Jobma is a digital interviewing platform that saves your business time and money by virtually screening potential candidates.

If you are using Jomba, you can now invite candidates to video interviews and evaluate them right from your TalentLyft account. This saves time and gets the most relevant candidates in faster. Leverage this integration by incorporating video interviews early in the application process. Dive into candidate assessments powered by Jobma to make informed decisions with ease.

Integrating your TalentLyft and Jobma accounts

Setting up the integration is a breeze! Follow this step-by-step guide to effortlessly integrate Jobma with TalentLyft.

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