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TalentLyft terms and entities explained

Updated over a week ago

Active job - A job with an ongoing selection process (Published, Internal and Closed jobs).

Application - Candidate's application for a job. Application is created when a candidate is sourced for a job or when he/she applies for it.

Archived job - An inactive job. The selection process is finished and no activities can be done on this job.

Candidate - A person who has applied or was sourced for a job in TalentLyft.

Closed job - An active job where selection is still ongoing, but no new applications can be received.

Draft - A job that is created, but not activated yet. You can use draft status to create your own job templates.

Internal job - A job opening for internal use. This job is not available to the public through careers page or job boards, but you can use the job's shortlink to share it with internal applicants.

Job - Any opening created in TalentLyft.

Pipeline - A linear representation of the recruiting process which consists of customizable stages.

Published job - An active job published on your career site that can be shared on social networks and job boards.

Resume - A file in .pdf, .doc or .docx format which contains professional information about a candidate. Only one file per application can be displayed as resume in TalentLyft.

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